The Texas Debates: Watch/Listen

Below is a list of all television and radio stations that will be airing The Texas Debates: The Race for Governor on Tuesday, Sept. 30 at 8pm CT. New stations will be added as they confirm broadcast times. In all instances, the debate will be aired live unless indicated otherwise (times are CDT unless indicated). The debate will also be streamed online at
KTAB - Abilene
KACV - Amarillo
KAMR - Amarillo - Will air Oct. 4 at 8pm
KVII - Amarillo - Streamed online only
KLRU - Austin
KVUE - Austin - Will stream live and air Oct. 5 at 4pm
KAKW - Austin - Streamed online only
KEYE - Austin - Streamed online only
KTBC - Austin - Streamed online only
KXAN - Austin - Streamed online only
KUHT - Beaumont - Port Arthur
KBTV - Beaumont - Port Arthur - Streamed online only
KFDM - Beaumont - Port Arthur - Streamed online only
KAMU - College Station
KEDT - Corpus Christi
KDF - Corpus Christi
KERA - Dallas/Fort Worth
KXTX - Dallas/Fort Worth - Streamed online only and air Oct. 5 at 2pm
KUVN - Dallas/Fort Worth - Streamed online only
KDAF - Dallas/Fort Worth - Streamed online only
WFAA - Dallas/Fort Worth - Streamed online only
KDFW - Dallas/Fort Worth - Streamed online only
KCOS - El Paso
KVIA - El Paso
KSCE - El Paso
KTSM - El Paso - Streamed online only
KDBC - El Paso - Streamed online only
KUHT - Houston
KTRK - Houston
KPRC - Houston
KXLN - Houston - Streamed online only
KHOU - Houston - Streamed online only
KIAH - Houston - Streamed online only
KRIV - Houston - Streamed online only
KTMD - Houston - Streamed online only
KLRN - Laredo
KTTZ - Lubbock
KJTV - Lubbock
KPBT - Midland/Odessa
KPEJ - Midland/Odessa - Streamed online only
KMBH - Rio Grande Valley
KRGV - Rio Grande Valley
KVEO - Rio Grande Valley - Streamed online only
KGBT - Rio Grande Valley - Streamed online only
KERA - San Angelo
KLST - San Angelo - Streamed online only
KLRN - San Antonio
KWEX - San Antonio - Streamed online only
KABB - San Antonio - Streamed online only
WOAI - San Antonio - Streamed online only
KENS - San Antonio - Streamed online only
KSAT - San Antonio - Streamed online only
KERA - Sherman
KERA - Tyler
KTRE - Tyler - Streamed online only
KETK - Tyler - Streamed online only
KFXK - Tyler - Streamed online only
KUHT - Victoria
KAVU - Victoria
KXXV - Waco - Temple
KNCT - Bryan - Waco - Temple
KAMU - Bryan - Waco - Temple
KWKT - Bryan - Waco - Temple- Streamed online only
KYLE - Bryan - Waco - Temple - Streamed online only
KERA - Wichita Falls - Lawton
KAUZ - Wichita Falls - Lawton - Streamed online only
KIXZ - Amarillo
KJJP - Amarillo
KUT - Austin
KVLU - Beaumont - Streamed online only
KNEL - Brady
KWHI - Brenham
KTXP -Bushland
KETR - Commerce
KEDT - Corpus Christi
KTAI - Corpus Christi
KTDH - Dalhart
KERA - Dallas/Fort Worth
KSEV - Houston
KUHF - Houston
KVHL - Llano
KJTV - Lubbock
KLVT - Lubbock
KRTS - Marfa
KMHT - Marshall
KXWT - Odessa
KNET - Palestine
KGKL - San Angelo
KSTX - San Antonio
Texas Public Radio - San Antonio
KTPR - Snyder
KTOT - Spearman
KVRT - Victoria
LPFM - Wimberley - Streamed online only