A meta-analysis found loneliness increases the risk of dementia in the elderly by more than 30%. But a North Texas neurologist says you can do something about it.
Amid the holiday celebrations, it's easy to forget about home safety. An expert with the North Texas Poison Center shares some risks to remember — especially those that can harm children.
The study of prostate cancer patients in the VA system found some with limited life expectancy were being treated with procedures that did not add more years to their lives.
Many confuse hospice and palliative care. They're similar, but a North Texas doctor explains how palliative care can improve the quality of life for patients with serious illnesses.
More than 400 elderly people were studied over three years for signs of poor sleep, along with declining motor and walking skills, that can contribute to dementia.
The health agency has lowered the age recommendation for the shot from 65 to 50. Some who've already had the shot may need another. A North Texas internist explains.
A poison control specialist talks about how the hotline operates, and about the opioid abuse in Dallas County that led to its creation.
The American Cancer Society study found breast cancer deaths in the U.S. are dropping at high rates, but rates of diagnosis are increasing among younger women.
In a national survey, less than 20% of U.S. adults were concerned about respiratory viruses or interested in getting shots. A North Texas infectious diseases specialist talks about why.
Previous studies say coffee has health benefits. New results suggest it may help people who suffer from two cardiac risk factors at a time.
A licensed clinical social worker with Texas Health dispels some common myths about suicide prevention.
They are used in several over-the-counter drugs. People often mix them up, but that can lead to serious problems unless you're careful.