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Profile: Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz

Age: 41
Residence: Houston

Professional/Political Experience: Princeton University; Harvard Law School; Clerk, Chief Justice William Rehnquist; Deputy Attorney General; Director of the Office of Policy Planning, FTC; Texas Solicitor General 2003-2008.

Texas Connection: Born in Canada, raised in Houston; Student speaker for Houston’s Free Enterprise Institution.

Why I am the best choice: Our nation is at a crossroads, and the next senator from Texas needs to be a strong conservative and a fighter. I’m the only candidate in this race who has a proven record of fighting for conservative principles and winning on a national level. My Dad fled oppression in Cuba, coming to Texas penniless in 1957. Having seen firsthand how fragile liberty can be, I will fight tirelessly to preserve our freedom.

Top Priorities: Repeal the federal healthcare plan; Reduce the federal government’s size and power; Restore the Tenth Amendment’s spending limits.

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