Starting Wednesday, Texans can enroll in health care coverage for 2018 on healthcare.gov through Dec. 15.This is the fifth year the federal marketplace is…
President Obama may be leaving office, but his landmark healthcare legislation is still law of the land. Enrollment for the fourth year under the…
The White House is challenging Dallas to beat out 19 other communities in reducing the number of people without health insurance. If the city wins, it…
About 1 million Texans have signed up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act since enrollment efforts began in 2013. That might sound like a…
Despite a very rocky start to open enrollment last year, more than 733,000 Texans bought insurance through the federal marketplace. Still, Texas remains…
Americans procrastinated enrolling in health care — and Texans are no exception. With just a month left to sign up, more people enrolled after March 1…
There have been tons of concerns about Obamacare, and many politicians are trying to repeal it. And, in recent weeks, there have been scores of complaints…
More than 20,000 people rely on the state run Texas Health Insurance Pool. The pool insures folks with pre-existing health conditions who can’t find…
Even with Obamacare, more than one million people in Texas are in health care limbo. Since the state didn't expand Medicaid, low-income people people like…
One of the big questions now is what will happen if the federal health insurance website can't be fixed soon. Will the government penalize people for not having insurance if they couldn't realistically buy it?
It’s been three weeks since the health insurance marketplace opened in Texas. While we don’t know exactly how many people have made it all the way to the…
Obamacare could make getting access to healthcare a lot easier for the Riley’s. In the North Texas family of five, three are members of the Choctaw Nation…