Attorney General Greg Abbott made his first stop in North Texas Tuesday in his two day old campaign for governor.
He spent the afternoon in Duncanville, the city where he grew up; and he was received like a hometown hero.
For Tuesday’s stump speech in Duncanville, Greg Abbott chose to have his teenage daughter Audrey introduce him.
The crowd was charmed and Abbott’s supporters cheered and clapped throughout his address. The loudest applause rang out when he spoke about his permanent paralysis.
“Ya’ll have heard politicians before talk about having a spine of steel, I really do have a steel spine!” he joked.
Abbott says his priorities for Texas are preserving a strong economy, strengthening the border and improving infrastructure.
“We have clogged highways, we’re running out of water and our schools simply must do a better job,” Abbott says.
If he’s elected Governor, Abbott pledges he’ll preserve personal freedoms.
“I just want people to know that I’m going to be fighting for what I consider to be the fundamental principle in this state, and that is your individual liberty,” says Abbott. “If I’m your governor, your individual rights will be protected more than ever before.”
Abbott has $18 million in the bank, outpacing anyone else even considering a run. Click here to see the remaining stops on Abbott’s current campaign tour.